Thursday, December 3, 2009

Bad graphics.?

if its a game on the internet or a video, on my laptop the graphics are just bad. it like skips if you know what i mean. my desktop computer works fine with it. do i need some kind of graphic card or something i could download. its a windows 2000

Bad graphics.?

if its windows 2000 thats most of the problem

most of these new internet apps are super up to date

so yeah thats a little of the problem

the rest is either your using your battery everytime you play the games or your graphic card and maney other things ill name them off and explain

FIRST is the battery situation--when you use the battery it isnt as much juice if you will getting to the pc so therefore it slows it down

SECOND is the graphic card, i assume its its 2000 then the graphic card isnt gonna be too well so get a new one, i recomend ATI or GEFORCE dont get nothing too expencive just something up to date with our revolution of technology

THIRD is your free space on the computer, if you have a lot of music, videos, file, documents, anything and a lot of it will slow downl your computer a lot

FOURTH is spyware, spyware isnt too bad so dont jump out of your seat, just download some anti spyware and clean the system, that easy try

FIFTH is your internet connection, if your running off of a wireless router with your laptop that causes some deteirioration of the mbps (mega bytes per second) i think is the definition so fix all of that and your set bro

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