Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I need to know about vector graphics raster and bitmap graphics?

i need to know about vector graphics raster and bitmap graphics i need for class im in class rite now

I need to know about vector graphics raster and bitmap graphics?

Vector graphics are made by the graphics card drawing lines from point to point. A line 1" long would just need the coordinates of the starting point and the ending point to describe it (forget color and intensity for this discussion). If that line was the only thing on the screen that would be all that is needed.

Bit map graphics are made by the graphics card lighting up individual pixels along the path from point to point. A line 1" long might need 75 pixels for itself but those pixels are part of a full screen image of thousands of pixels that do every line and dot needed anywhere on the page. [TVs use bit map graphics]

I need to know about vector graphics raster and bitmap graphics?

Vector graphics are line based graphics, raster graphics are made up entirly by pixels.

I need to know about vector graphics raster and bitmap graphics?

You need to know what? The difference between the two?

Raster or bitmap graphics are made up of blocks of color, called pixels. The pictures your digita camera takes or a TV screen would be a good example. They're generally designed to be viewed or printed at a particular size, which is why your pictures look "blocky" if you try to enlarge them too much.

Vector graphics are composed of mathematical formulas which describe lines and curves. A file created in Adobe Illustrator, or the files your computer uses to create type when you print it out would be examples of vector graphics. Because they're described by formulas rather than blocks, vector-based graphics can be scaled to any size without any loss of quality.

I need to know about vector graphics raster and bitmap graphics?

see..there are main two types of image...

1.Raster 2.Vector

1.Raster images

---Made up of a grid or matrix of pixels. Hence also known as bitmaps or bit-mapped images.

---Each pixel represents a colour sample from the original image and is capable of being edited individually.

---Because raster images record information about each pixel, they tend to be quite large.

2. Vactor images

---Vector images are created by sequences of mathematical equations that define lines and shapes.

---Instead of containing a bit in the file for each bit of a line drawing, a vector graphic file describes a series of points to be connected. Hence also known as geometrical files.

---Vector based images are edited as a whole object 閳?you can閳ユ獩 erase part of a vector image..

%26amp; bitmap is one type of format of Raster Images.. .bmp files..

introduced by windows..

i hope this will help you...


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