Saturday, November 28, 2009

Better graphics card? for a NOTEBOOK computer?

Ok im buying a lap top that will be mainly used for pictures and travel/work....but i do occasionally game, mostly anything by blizzard, starcraft, WOW, and diablo....anyways, the only game im looking foreward to is Starcraft 2....and i would like to beable to run it on my laptop if possible...anyways, here is the different graphics cars available, althogh i think all of them are most likely garbage, but definitly better than integrated gfx and probably better than my geforce 5600.... :(

GeForce Go 6150

Ati Express 1150 hyper something......

i will assume they are about the same...but are they able to at least play wow as good as my geforce 5600, which plays wow moderatly well....surprisingly....

Better graphics card? for a NOTEBOOK computer?

The 6150 is not better than the 5600, in fact, it's the other way around.

Here is how NVidia does their numbering:

NVidia XYZ0

X = how new it is - a higher X does not mean better performance, unless it's more than 2 numbers above the other you are comparing it to. Also, an 8 means it will handle Direct-X 10

Y = Performance: From 1 to 9. 1=low end, 9=high end.

Z = Performance: 0=regular, 5=a bit better, and might actually surpass the next Y

If you can get the 8400 GS I'm sure you will be able to run most games out there at moderate settings, but it might start feeling kind of slow once newer games are released. I think it will do Starcraft 2 somewhere near 23fps.

Check this out:

Notice the 6150 is at position 72, just below the ATI 1150, while the 5600 is at 66. The 8400GS is at 44.

The first 20 are High End card, and wil only fit in 17 inch notebooks or larger. From 21 to 45 are considered Performance cards. Anything below that(or below the Nvidia 7400 since the list will keep getting updated) is a Low End card.

Better graphics card? for a NOTEBOOK computer?

I would definitely go with the computer that has the C2D processor. They perform much better than anything that's AMD. GeForce seems to have the better graphics cards these days, so, I'd go with them.



Better graphics card? for a NOTEBOOK computer?

go with the highest GeForce graphics card you can get on the market. GeForce runs blizzard game perfectly. Plus if you have this computer for a long time you want a good graphics card. On a notebook the graphics card is built into the motherboard so it will be almost impossible to replace in the future.

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