Saturday, November 28, 2009

ATI Graphics Driver?

Last night when using my laptop and the screen went black, but I knew the laptop was still running because I could hear my music. I thought it was a fluke and manually shut it off. Today I can't use my laptop for more than 5 minutes without the screen going blank (and sometimes it the screen goes off before I can even log in). I finally got the laptop to properly send the error message and it told me I have a problem with my ATI Graphics Driver. I have ATI Mobility Radeon 9000. I tried reading what the website told me to do, but it was all so technical I just can't understand. I tried running it in safe mode, but that did not work. Does anyone know how to fix this problem in plain English?

ATI Graphics Driver?

forget about safe mode, its a video issue, call up ATI and ask them for tech support, a black screen means you have video card issues, if you want if u have the xp cd u can reinstall the operating system, but then you will have reinstall all the drivers for ur video and sound and so again, so the best thing to do is call up tech support, sometimes laptop also go into sleep mode, try ty go into power options and make sure sleep mode isnt on or hibernate is not on, you need to update your drivers likely u need to get the lastest drivers on ur site, and install them look for a disk that came with ur ati card if possible.

ATI Graphics Driver?

Hi. Download the latest drivers for the ATI card and see if that fixes it.

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